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Home > Archive > For teachers > Energy (Physics)

by Padma Akkaraju

15 October 2008

Padma Akkaraju is an educator, researcher and consultant in physical science and math education.


While energy transformation is complex, it has fascinating connections to other physical science topics, such as waves, heat, and energy sources. It is also relevant to discussions about global warming and energy conservation. Besides nurturing critical thinking, SpicyNodes helps students at all ability levels become engaged with the material, and can reveal connections that students might not otherwise see. Research indicates that graphic visualizations help students link and remember information, thus enhancing student performance.


  • Discipline: Physics
  • Level: Grades 6-7
  • Objective: Understanding energy transformation
  • Time needed: 4 hours (minimum)

on physics, relevance to standards and benchmarks, and vocabulary

for Middle School students, designed for 4 classroom periods.

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