Site archive. SpicyNodes was active 2005-2018.

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Spice up your classroom.

SpicyNodes makes education more authentic and tangible. Use SpicyNodes in teaching and research for a broad range of ages.

Discover why SpicyNodes is an effective teaching tool. Or get ideas right away from the lesson plans below...

Cooking up lesson plans.

Teachers from various disciplines have created lessons that incorporate SpicyNodes into curricula. We invite you to see if your class could benefit from them:

  • Forms of energy (Physics) - Engage students in an interactive exploration of forms of energy and energy transformation. Middle School. By Padma Akkaraju. Go »
  • Weather & precipitation (Science) - Students delve into conditions that cause nature’s most fascinating and destructive weather events: tornadoes and hurricanes. Middle School. By Elandee Thompson. Go »
  • Negative numbers (Math) - Invite students to investigate the history and definition of integers, and then use SpicyNodes to create algorithms. High school. By Sarah Moore and Padma Akkaraju. Go »
  • Activate citizenship (Social Studies) - Captivate your students as they examine the concepts of philanthropy and activism and trigger their understanding of what it means to be a good citizen. Middle School. By Victoria Anderson. Go »
  • Native Americans (Social Studies) - Bring history to life as students research and analyze the history, culture, and lives of Native Americans in North America. Middle School. By Victoria Anderson. Go »
  • Holocaust (History) - Engender understanding of the Holocaust by enabling students to connect with children who survived the atrocities. Middle School. By Joy Houchen. Go »
  • Writing & poetry (English) - Fully explore writing poetry in what may be the first 21st century poetic form – SpicyNodes. Middle School, High School, College, and Adult Education. By Joe Romano. Go »


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