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Using SpicyNodes with WordPress

With SpicyNodes, you can easily embed your nodemaps into your WordPress blog, or create cool navigation sidebars.

Spicy navigation sidebar

The "spicynodes-plugin-embed-wp" plugin is a sidebar widget for Wordpress, and adds SpicyNodes navigation to visualize tags, categories, and/or archives.


  1. Download here: SpicyNodes Navigator for WordPress
  2. Upload the "" to the path "/wp-content/plugins/", and unzip there
  3. Go into the "spicynodes-plugin-navigator-wp" directory and change xml files writable for Apache or all users: "chmod 666 xml/*.xml"
  4. Activate this widget in the "Plugins" control panel
  5. In the "Appearance→Widgets" admin page, drag the "SpicyNodes Navigation" widget to your sidebar (e.g., the "Primary Widget Area")
  6. Customize the configuration for your blog

Embed your own nodemaps

This plugin provides an easy way to embed a SpicyNodes nodemap into your posts via Short Code.


  • Insert one line into your post similar to '[spicynodes id="0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef" width="400" height="300"]’
  • And the plugin will display a nodemap in your post


  1. Download here : SpicyNodes Embed for WordPress
  2. Upload the "" to the path "/wp-content/plugins/", and unzip there
  3. Activate this plugin from the "Plugins" control panel
  4. Embed a line into your post similar to ‘[spicynodes id="0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef" width="400" height="300"]’, in which the id is the nodemap id for nodemaps created here on the SpicyNodes site.

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