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Home > Archive > For teachers > Writing & poetry (English) > Workshop

Revision Lesson: Workshop

Level: College


  1. Arrange your students in groups of two or three, depending on your class size, and distribute the “Workshop Worksheet” to each student in your class. If your students are arranged in pairs, distribute one worksheet to each student. If they are arranged in threesomes, distribute two worksheets per student.
  2. Have your students exchange e-mail addresses. Once they leave the classroom, make sure they e-mail their group members a link to their node poem.
  3. For homework, instruct students to complete one worksheet for each of their partners. The next day, they should bring in the following:

a. A completed version of the worksheet(s).
b. A typed, 400-word analysis of the poem they critiqued.
  1. For this next class period, bring in several samples of different techniques you observed in the node poem drafts, and prepare a discussion based on that innovation.
  2. Once you complete this sampling session, give your students five more days to complete revisions of their node poems.

Workshop Worksheet

  1. As you navigate through the poem, write down the first ten nodes you click on.









  2. How does the poem take advantage of the SpicyNodes format?
  3. Are there any parts of the poem that are particularly difficult to navigate?
  4. Please type a 400-word analysis of the poem you’re critiquing.

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