Site archive. SpicyNodes was active 2005-2018.

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Home > Archive > For teachers > Writing & poetry (English) > Revising Poems

Critique and hone

Since a node poem’s worth is measured in how a reader interacts and moves through the piece, give your students an opportunity to test their node-poems-in-progress on each other. This exposure will help your writers understand how their audience approaches and engages with their work, an important task for any type of writing.

In general, revision is one of the most important aspects of the process of writing. At this point, your students may be tired from working through the writing and pre-writing processes, so they might need encouragement in order to take the final steps towards refining their writing.

Getting started

Let your students open up beta-versions of their node poems for their peers. This will help your writers discover the most engaging and interactive aspects of their poems. Readers will also gain new perspectives for their own pieces.

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Cultivate your students’ ability to be critical of their own writing. This assignment asks them to review and develop the weaker aspects of their writing.

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