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SpicyNodes isn’t the only delicious meal getting four-star reviews. There are a number of projects and applications that share our mission of interactive information visualization.
Which of these mouth-watering projects whet your appetite?
- Google Social Graph – for plotting social networking connections on the Web.
- Visual Complexity – a database of over 450 information mapping projects.
- Dipity – for creating and sharing interactive timelines.
- Gapminder – for converting data into bubble graphs.
- Visual Thesaurus – for exploring words and their meanings.
- Swivel – for generating interactive graphs and collaborating with other users.
- Many Eyes – for creating, sharing, and discussing data.
- Flare – object classes for building interactive visualizations.
- TuneGlue – for exploring relationships between musical artists.
- Processing – a software sketchbook and professional production tool.
These projects are all unrelated to SpicyNodes. For examples of SpicyNodes implementations, please see the gallery.