Site archive. SpicyNodes was active 2005-2018.

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Home > Archive > Developers/reference > Other projects > Visual Thesaurus


Visual Thesaurus


Project Description:

Every journey begins with a

single word.

An innovator in using nodes for linguistics, Visual Thesaurus was developed in 1998 as an enticing interactive dictionary and thesaurus. Like SpicyNodes, Visual Thesaurus is based on an interactive radial map, features animated transitions, includes local search, and promotes exploration and learning. Unlike SpicyNodes, Visual Thesaurus has three-dimensional constellation-like mapping with a special emphasis on vocabulary building. After searching for a word, the main display populates with the results and their meanings. All the words connected to the same meaning are synonyms and the various meanings are color-coded. Visual Thesaurus is a wonderful example of an interface with a specific purpose, while SpicyNodes’ author interface enables the technology to be applied across a broad range of web sites – from adding information to an ecommerce site to creating a visual representation of a lexicon.

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